Green Up Day 2007

Thank you, thank you to all who participated and helped organize a very successful Green Up Day. We had about 56 volunteers who helped beautify Isle La Motte. Our hot dog roast followed the cleanup. Many thanks to the Methodist Church for opening their doors and kitchen to the hungry crew... Mother Nature provided the perfect day and it was great to relax on the grass, enjoy the food and friends and laugh about the odd things we found along the roadsides.

We only needed to take one vehicle to the Alburg station thanks to the use of the “Humble Bumble” from Ember’s Garden. The truck was full of bags, mattresses, a TV, shutters, tarps, a culvert, old floats, tires, pieces of old rusty metal and lots of debris from the high water. Thanks again to all the volunteers for taking pride in our community by helping to beautify the roadsides. See you next year!!

MaryJane Tiedgen


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